On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies Dbro, JB, and Heron talk about PGA 2K23, Bread/Big Beer Sunday, & more! This episode is a part of one of the new series we will be doing, in this kind of series we will be talking about a variety of topics that interest us, interesting news/current events, and will also be taking requests for topics from our listeners/viewers.
The three beers we enjoy on this episode are Exquisite Blend Two: Chance Says It Is Pretty Good 13%ABV (Stout, Horus Aged Ales), Dinosaur World 8%ABV (Double IPA, Modern Times), and Overgrown Red Flowers 9.5%ABV (Sour, Solaris Beer).
Be sure to follow our social media pages for more content, to see what we are drinking, and keep updated on all things Brews With The Homies. Instagram- Brewswth Brews With The Homies | Facebook
Untapped- BrewsWithJB
First official episode of our spinoff/longer episode series with a special collaboration with "Those Millennials" podcast. In this episode, we talk about our early...
20th official episode where we talk about each of our top 3 beers from this year and use the tasting beer "Beer Tasting Record"...
TEST episode where we feature beer talk with the homies. In this episode we try 4 new beers and go over our thoughts and...