On the 39th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we switch it up to where we talk about food pairings with craft beer. We use the Mason Ale Works Respeto (mexican lager) for our taco dinner pairing and then the Beer Zombies A Soothing Oblivion (barrel aged stout) for our dessert pairing with ice cream.
The three craft beers we enjoy in this episode are Respeto 4.5%ABV (Mexican Lager, Mason Ale Works), A Soothing Oblivion 16.5%ABV (Barrel aged stout, Beer Zombies), and Zombie Duck Hunter 7.2%ABV (West Coast IPA, Beer Zombies).
If you want to watch this episode please check out our youtube!
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Our new series focuses on one craft beer at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer. BITE is the series...
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