On this episode we go back to a fun blind taste test which features East vs West coast Lager Edition. Dbro & Heron do the blind tasting and try to guess which brewery/coast the craft beer is from that JB picked out. This was a great time that allowed us to put our knowledge to the test again and see if we can identify what we are tasting correctly. We got the Solaris beers from TravBro's (James) bachelor party and JB got the Tripping Animals beers from The Wandering Tortoise on his recent Arizona trip.
The four craft beers we enjoy on this episode are Dark No Mames 6%ABV (Mexican-Style Dark Lager, Tripping Animals Brewing Co.), Wait Until Dark 4.8%ABV (Czech Dark Lager, Solaris Beer & Blending collab with Oscar's Brewing and 8 bit Brewing), No Mames 6%ABV (Mexican Lager, Tripping Animals Brewing Co.), and Family Heirloom 4.6%ABV (Mexican Lager, Solaris Beer & Blending).
If you want to watch this episode please check out our youtube Brews With The Homies - YouTube
Untappd- Brewswithjb
Our bite series focuses on one craft beer or beverage at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer/beverage. The craft...
On the 30th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we do a blind taste test of beers and their #craftbeer step up poured from the @fizzics_beer. We...
On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we are joined by Jesse. Jesse brews his own mead and was kind enough to join us on this...