On the 27th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies and as apart of our interview series we are joined by a special guest from Beer Zombies (Ryan)! To start the episode we acknowledge black history month. Then we dive into getting to know Ryan and how we got into craft beer. While getting to know Ryan we enjoy three different beers that suit what he likes (bring on the adjuncts). He shares some awesome stories and how he approaches recommending beer to people visiting at Beer Zombies. We also cover one cause he is super passionate about, dogs and the animal foundation. We can’t wait to have him back on in the near future to be on for a part two to deep dive more about him and his interests.
The three beers in this episode are Cocohut 6.1%ABV (Coconut Milkshake IPA, Green Cheek), Toes to the nose 5.5%ABV (Fruited Berliner Weisse, Bottle Logic), and All my friends are dead 13.5%ABV (Double-Mashed Imperial Stout, Hoof Hearted).
On this episode of Brews With The Homies we recap our bottle sharing event at Horse Trailer Hideout, we talk about some beer drops,...
Our new series focuses on one craft beer or beverage at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer/beverage. BITE is...
On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies Dbro, JB, and Heron go back to beer talk and share some incredible beers while doing so. Shoutout to...