22nd official episode and our first of the new year! We talk about what we would like to see this year and what we would like to see from the beer industry. The beers we had in this episode are the following: Heir to None (Stout, Eighth State and Angry Chair collab), Sour worms (Fruited sour, 450 North), Beer Zombies JREAM rule #7 (Fruited sour, Burley Oak and Beer Zombies), and Beer Zombies JREAM rule #8 (Fruited sour, Burley Oak and Beer Zombies). Make sure to check out our instagram at BrewsWTH. Thank you for the support and let us know any comments or topics/questions/beers you might want covered.
On the 28th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we jump back into beer talk to discuss the Modern Times news, share our opinions on big beer...
Our bite series focuses on one craft beer or beverage at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer/beverage, for this...
Our new series focuses on one craft beer or beverage at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer/beverage. BITE is...