Eleventh official episode where we feature beer talk with the homies. In this episode we talk about the flight of beers we are trying for this episode and how we got most of them from BZ bottleshop. Shoutout to Beer Zombies for supplying the pre-podcast adventure and three of the beers featured in this episode. Next episodes will feature a collab with Those Millennials podcast and then our Horus special edition. Thank you for the support and let us know any comments or topics/questions/beers you might want covered @brewswth.
On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies Dbro talks about his experience at a Topshot event & summer league here in Las Vegas and JB talks...
Our series focuses on one craft beer or beverage at a time which allows us to deep dive about that beer/beverage. BITE is the...
Eighth official episode where we feature beer talk with the homies. In this episode we talk about two beers from Jwakefield brewing and Horus,...