On the 30th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we do a blind taste test of beers and their #craftbeer step up poured from the @fizzics_beer. We love to do blind taste tests like this to keep us sharp and see if your knowledge can help us figure out what we are tasting. Plus we believe this can be useful for people looking to take that step into craft beer from what they might normally drink.
The seven beers in this episode are coors light 4.2%ABV(Lager, Coors Brewing Company), montucky 4.1%ABV(Lager, Montucky Cold Snacks), space dust 8.2%ABV(IPA, Elysian), bangarang! 9.5%ABV (Double IPA, Mason Ale Works), sol 4.5%ABV(Lager, Heineken Mexico), Trejo’s Cerveza 4.7%ABV (Lager, Lincoln Beer Company), and Hazlesaurus Rex 14%ABV (Stout, Pure Project).
Make sure to check out our instagram, TikTok, and Facebook at BrewsWTH. As a reminder we will be doing our first event ever at @horsetrailerhideout on March 23rd. We will be recording an episode there and then having an open bottle share starting at 6pm.
On the 36th episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we have Seth join us to talk about how he got into craft beer and trading. We also...
On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we are joined by Jesse and Vinny to try their new mead! Jesse was challenged by Vinny to lean...
On the 43rd episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we talk about the Lazy Dog Beer Club. JB got this membership in April to give it a...