On this episode of BrewsWithTheHomies we are joined by Jesse. Jesse brews his own mead and was kind enough to join us on this episode to talk about all things mead. Jesse also joined us for a Bite episode so be sure to check out that when it's posted, it features a mead from one of his favorite meaderies (Honey Pot).
The two beers we enjoy on this episode are Simply Orange 10.9%ABV (Mead, Honey Thief Mead) and Playful 4.5%ABV (American Blonde, Monkish Brewing).
Our new website has launched!! Check it out at Brewswth.com We will be updating it and adding more features as we go.
If you want to watch this episode it will be up in a few days on our youtube!
Be sure to follow our social media pages for more content, to see what we are drinking, and keep updated on all things Brews With The Homies.
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Untapped- BrewsWithJB
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